Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The American Dream

When people hear someone say they are "living the American Dream" they often picture a huge house with perfectly manicured land, shiny new cars and a yacht docked at some nearby private marina.  Certainly there are no messy rooms, dust on the shelves or broken dishwashers etc.  There couldn't possibly be any trouble or hard work required when living the American Dream. 
I don't know when this idea came to fruition, but it couldn't be further than the original idea. 
The American Dream doesn't mean HAVING it all or GETTING it all or chilling out while it all falls in your lap.  To quote a former president it "means giving it your all, trying your hardest, accomplishing something."  GIVING, TRYING, ACCOMPLISHING.  And before anyone gets carried away thinking accomplish could possibly mean winning the lottery…to accomplish refers to bringing about something to the point of success, carrying it through, achieving, managing!  (Thank you Google).
Too many people have come to expect the American Dream, to feel entitled for the American Dream to enter their lives, but that doesn't make sense at all when the American Dream is truly understood.  It is less a noun than it is a verb!  To live the American Dream requires action.  I want to act.  I want to live the American Dream. I'm tired of waiting, it is time to start doing!
As I post about my attempt to live the American Dream, I expect to have a lot of bad days.  I might even complain and whine a bit.  I'll try to limit that - and I'll try to take a step back after any rants and learn a little something along the way.  I expect to GIVE and TRY and hopefully ACCOMPLISH something at the end of all of this. It will take work and effort on my part.  I expect I will fail often, but that is part of reaching success.  Success rarely comes magically on the first attempt at something great - or even something ordinary, but worth of being sought after.
It will take some patience on your part as the reader as well.  I hope that you will accept me for the human that I am.  I hope that you will be able to relate to me.  And if not relate to me, I hope that you will at least find a way to understand my point of view.  We all look at the same page of history with a unique perspective.  Our genetic make-up, the events we have experienced, the people we have crossed paths with and the choices we have made in the way we think, feel and act all work together to frame the world a little differently than the person next to us. 
I am starting this blog from a place of mediocrity.  I am a mess.  A lot of other people are messier - or maybe just their lives.  I get that.  I am not saying I have the worst life.  I actually have a pretty great life.  But I also struggle.  As good as I try to be, as hard as I think I am trying, I can never seem to get ahead.  I don't think I am alone in this.  In fact, I think I'm pretty average overall.  I think many of you may be a little like me.
Today, I recognize I am not doing all I can do - I can do better.  I am not trying as hard or as smart as I think I am.  I'm very good at identifying excuses and rationalizing away my less than 100% efforts. 
As I considered my lack-luster efforts - though energy draining they were - I considered the idea of the American Dream.  Not the everything-should-be-mine-now American Dream, but the real one.  I want success in my life.  I want success for my family.  I want life to be a little better.  I have to be willing to sacrifice a little and work smart!  So that's what this blog is about.  There won't be just one topic.  I'll explore and share the many areas of one ordinary girl's (that's me) strivings toward living the American Dream.  Thanks for joining me on this journey!

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